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Wednesday, 28 August 2013

पिटाई? ओमपुरी ने बीवी पर ही लगा दिए हजार आरोप

मुंबई।। पत्नी को डंडे से पीटने के आरोप में पुलिस द्वारा भगोड़ा साबित किए गए जाने-माने ऐक्टर ओम पुरी का कहना है कि उनके घर में कोई डंडा है ही नहीं। उन्होंने अपने ऊपर लगे घरेलू हिंसा के आरोप को नकारते हुए कहा कि घर में एकमात्र बांस की सजावटी छड़ी है जिसे खुद उनकी पत्नी खरीदकर लाई थीं और इसे भी वह फरेंसिक जांच के लिए भेजने को तैयार हैं।

टीओआई से खास बातचीत में उन्होंने कहा, 'वह कहती हैं कि मैंने उन्हें सुबह 9:30 पर पीटा.. अगर ऐसा है तो वह पुलिस के पास शाम 4:30 बजे रपट लिखाने क्यों पहुंचीं.. आखिर सात घंटे वह किस बात का इतंजार कर रही थीं?' उन्होंने कहा कि छह हफ्ते पहले भी नंदिता उन पर और उनकी पूर्व पत्नी सीमा पर उनके बेटे को किडनैप करने की कोशिश का आरोप लगा चुकी हैं। जबकि, अगले ही दिन वह अपनी बात से पलट गईं और कहा कि उन्हें शक है कि हम ऐसा कर सकते हैं। ओम पुरी ने कहा, 'इस घटना से उनकी मानसिक हालत बयां होती है।'

ओम पुरी ने नंदिता की मानसिक हालत पर ही सवालिया निशान लगा दिया। पूरे मामले पर उनका कहना था, 'जिस समय कहासुनी हुई, उस समय नंदिता ने मेरा कॉलर पकड़ा और मुझे गालियां दीं। मैंने शांत रहने की कोशिश की और मैं घर से बाहर जाने लगा। लेकिन, उसने मेरा रास्ता रोक लिया और जब मैंने जबरदस्ती निकलने की कोशिश की तो उन्होंने कहना शुरू कर दिया कि मैं उनपर हमला कर रहा हूं।'

पत्नी नंदिता की पुलिस शिकायत पर ओम पुरी अग्रिम जमानत की कोशिश कर रहे हैं। ओम पुरी का कहना है कि नंदिता को वह घर और बेटे के लिए अच्छी खासी रकम देते हैं। लेकिन नंदिता काफी खर्चीली किस्म की हैं जबकि वह ग्रामीण परिवेश में पले-बढ़े हैं। बकौल ओम पुरी, 'नंदिता चाहती हैं कि वह आजीवन मिसेज ओम पुरी कहलाएं इसलिए वह तलाक भी नहीं ले रही हैं। साथ ही उन्हें अपने हाथ से वह रकम निकल जाने का भी डर है जो मैं उन्हें देता हूं।' उन्होंने नंदिता के इस दावे को भी खारिज कर दिया कि वह घर के रखरखाव के लिए पैसे नहीं देते हैं। उन्होंने कहा, 'वह घर के सभी तरह के बिल चुकाते हैं और तीन फ्लैट्स की हमारी जॉइंट ओनरशिप है। 'लेकिन, नंदिता को अपने खर्चों पर लगाम लगानी आती ही नहीं।'

सवालों के जवाब में ओम पुरी ने यह भी कहा कि वह नंदिता से तलाक के बाद अपनी पहली पत्नी के साथ रहना पसंद करेंगे।

ओम पुरी के शब्दों में: क्या हुआ था उस दिन?

ओम पुरी का कहना है कि राखी वाले दिन नंदिता ने उनसे 10 हजार रुपए मांगे। नंदिता यह रकम उन 10 लड़कियों को देना चाहती थी जिसने उनके बेटे ईशान को राखी बांधी थी। ओम पुरी के अनुसार, जब वह मांगे हुए पैसे दे चुके तो कुछ देर बाद फिर से नंदिता ने उनसे 3 हजार रुपए मांगे। नंदिता ने 3 हजार रुपए का मोबाइल घर की नौकरानी को दे दिया था क्योंकि नौकरानी ने भी ईशान को राखी बांधी थी। इस रकम को लेकर दोनों में कहासुनी हो गई और बकौल ओम पुरी, उन्हें अगले दिन पता चला कि उनके खिलाफ घरेलू हिंसा का केस दर्ज करवा दिया गया है।

पुलिस के अनुसार: क्या हुआ था उस दिन?

पुलिस का कहना है कि मियां-बीवी के बीच अंधेरी के वर्सोवा इलाके में सेवेन बंगलोज स्थित त्रुशिल बिल्डिंग में अपने फ्लैट के रखरखाव को लेकर कहासुनी शुरू हुई। उसके बाद नाराज ऐक्टर ने कथित तौर पर गुरुवार को रात नौ बजे के करीब छड़ी से अपनी पत्नी नंदिता की पिटाई की। 

Send that ‘stick’ for forensic test, demands Om Puri

The official version says that Om Puri is 'absconding' after estranged wife Nandita filed a police complaint accusing him of domestic violence. But TOI tracked down the actor to quiz him about his headline grabbing personal life. Excerpts from the interview.

Your estranged wife Nandita has accused you of physical violence...
She has gone to town saying that I hit her with a stick. Pray, who keeps sticks at home? There is a bamboo cane at home, a decorative item purchased by Nandita. I am ready to send that for forensic tests. She complained to the cops at 4.30 pm claiming that I had beaten her up at 9.30 am. What made her wait for seven hours?

Are you seeking anticipatory bail?
Yes. What else can I do? Our legal system is soft on women in such cases. But I have nothing to fear. I have been in the film industry for 35 years and everyone including the spot-boys will vouch for my character. Six weeks ago, Nandita filed a criminal case against me and my ex-wife Seema Kapoor accusing us of trying to kidnap our son Ishaan. The very next day she backtracked saying she 'suspects' that we will kidnap him. That just explains her state of mind.

What transpired on August 22?
We simply had an argument. She said I had to shell out Rs 10,000 to ten girls who had tied a rakhi to my son, Ishaan. I handed over Rs 10,000. Then she said that our maid had also tied a rakhi and she had given her a mobile phone worth Rs 3,000 and she demanded that I pay for that too. I put my foot down. The next thing I knew I was accused of domestic violence. I never thought our marriage will come to such a sorry pass.

What went wrong in the marriage?
We've not been getting along for the past 15 years. We are two very different people. While my roots are absolutely rural, her tastes are very elitist. Yes, I smoke a few cigarettes and have an occasional drink. But that's it. I don't spend on expensive brands. I don't need foreign holidays. She has taken 35 holidays abroad in 15 years. She dropped in on every foreign shoot and I had to pay through my nose every time.

Nandita says you've stopped paying for household expenses. Is that true?
Rubbish! I am paying for everything in her and Ishaan's life and I am not complaining. Be it electricity bills, telephone bills, chaffeur or servants. But Nandita does not know how to control her expenses. It was her idea to sign a MOU, then I gave her joint ownership of three flats and transferred two-thirds of the contents of my bank account to her and Ishaan, but she still wants more. She refuses to sign divorce papers because she doesn't want to give away a single penny. Moreover, she always wants to be known as Mrs Om Puri.

How much has this affected Ishaan?
I try my best to keep him out of this. But he is totally under Nandita's influence. Yesterday I tried to reach him on the domestic help's phone, but I overheard him saying, 'Tell him I have a sore throat'. Now I am going to request the Court to provide me access to him on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays.

You were recently on a holiday with Nandita and Ishan. Pictures suggested everything was fine...
I wish it was true. I wanted to enjoy a holiday with my son but Nandita tagged along.

How has Nandita behaved during this conflict?
She is very aggressive and uses abusive language against me. She has grabbed my collar on more than one occasion. I try to remain calm and just walk out of the house. But she stands by the door blocking my way and if I try to make my way past her, she says that I am attacking her. She went to Seema's building and screamed expletives.

Would you like to stay with Seema after the divorce?
I can go and live with anybody, but first let me get out of this mess.

That doesn't answer my question.
Yes. I would like to live with Seema, I like her. But if that happens, it would happen only when I have legally parted ways with Nandita.

Nandita says you are in an adulterous relationship with Seema. Is there truth in the allegation?
At the age of 64? I can't write properly, my signature has changed because my hands shake. How will I indulge in adultery? And let me tell you Nandita is responsible for my ill health too. We were in Punjab, when I suffered a neuro problem. The doctors told her to fly me back to Mumbai/Delhi and get a spine surgery done but she ignored the doctors and did not inform me too. Was her holiday more important than my health? I got the surgery done when a doctor in Mumbai pressed the panic button but it was too late.

Have you lost out on work because of problems at home?
Workwise, I won't blame Nandita. Perhaps age has caught up with me. Also stars like Amitabh and Rishi have started doing character roles. But I did a nice film Trafficker in Bangkok recently. And I am doing a film with Spielberg. 

Marriage law: The 'Inter Continental Ballistic Missile' of a Bill

The Marriage Laws (Amendment) Bill, approved by the Rajya Sabha on Monday, has long been pegged the 'Intercontinental Continental Ballistic Missile' (ICBM) Bill by protesting men's groups, for its inclusion of the 'Irretrievable Breakdown of Marriage (IBM)' clause as a valid condition for divorce.

Virag Dhulia, a men's rights activist and head of gender studies at the Bangalore-based Confidare Research says, "The Rajya Sabha has betrayed us. We now hope the Lok Sabha MPs will not let us down." Men's groups like Dhulia's partnered with Men's Rights Association, Pune and have been protesting the Bill for months now. In December 2012 they led a rally to Jantar Mantar and courted detention on May 1, 2013 en route the Prime Minister's residence. Their objections to the Bill are that it will blindly give away property in the name of marriage, that men will stop marrying to prevent this, thus destabilizing the institution of marriage.

"Whichever country has these clauses also has supportive laws like a legalization of pre-nuptial agreements, which India doesn't have. India is cherry picking laws that suit them, which can prove disastrous. In 2011, China rolled back a law like this because men had stopped marrying and stopped buying property" Dhulia warns.

But the Bill is in fact far reaching and thought out over a period of decades. The first proposals for amendments to the Hindu Marriage Act came from the Law Commission in 1978. Two more Law Commission reports, several Supreme Court Judgements and after much debate among invested parties led by women's groups like Majlis, the Bill has been tabled.

Chakshu Roy, head of technology initiatives at PRS Legislative Research, New Delhi says, "The Law Commission and the Supreme Court have on a number of occasions recommended the inclusion of irretrievable breakdown of marriage as a ground for divorce. The Law Commission suggested that before a divorce is granted on this ground, the court should ensure adequate financial arrangements have been made for the parties and children. The Bill incorporates these suggestions and introduces this ground for divorce and makes financial provision for the wife and children."

What the Bill essentially says is that there are certain conditions based on which either the husband or wife can apply for divorce. These are cruelty, medical reasons such as communicable diseases, mental illnesses, desertion. The Bill essentially sought to correct the lacuna that arose from the need to dissolve the marriage in the eventuality that none of these stand i.e. the dissolution of marriage due to an organic breakdown.

The Irretrievable Breakdown of Marriage clause allows a woman or a man to exit on the premise that she is unfulfilled or unhappy in a marriage after a three year period of separation. The wife also bears the right to block a divorce thrust upon her if she can prove she will be in grave financial hardship. The Bill will also allow the court to consider a waiver of the 6-18 month lock-in period for couples who file by mutual consent.

A huge triumph, points out activist and head of women's group Majlis, Flavia Agnes, is the Bill's determination of the compensation due to the wife. In doing so, the Bill now allows the court to take into account inherited and inheritable properties. This becomes a crucial factor in cases where husbands are able to sell off properties in their name and prove they have no assets, leaving the wife without compensation.

Men's groups protest this clause saying it allows women to divorce a man after five days and "clean him out". Agnes dismisses concerns stating that women have gotten the short end of the stick for far too long.

A lot of the debate has been ill-informed. Advocates state that the court will consider many factors while making such a decision. As any nuclear armed country knows, setting off a missile isn't so simple, there are many check points.

Court sentences 7 year imprisonment to woman for buying minor

A woman has been sent to jail for seven years by a Delhi court for buying two minor girls for prostitution and abetting their rapes.
Additional Sessions Judge T R Naval sentenced 30-year-old Pooja to seven years rigorous imprisonment for the crime, saying it has been proved that she purchased the minors for the purpose of prostitution, wrongfully confined them and also abetted other persons to forcefully have sexual intercourse with the girls.
"This court has come to the conclusion that entire evidence has proved that accused Pooja committed offence of buying minors for the purpose of prostitution, offence of wrongfully concealing and confining prosecutrix No. 1 and 2 (victims) and other girls after kidnapping them with the purpose to use them for the purpose of prostitution.
Court sentences 7 year imprisonment to woman for buying minor  Court sentences 7 year imprisonment to woman for buying minor
"Therefore, it is bounden duty of this court to hold accused no.3 (Pooja) guilty and convict her," the court said.
The judge said it has been proved that she used to present the girls to many customers, who used to pay her for the purpose of physical relations.
It imposed a fine of Rs 20,000 on Pooja and said that Rs 5,000 each be given to the two victim and that they will also be entitled for other compensation as per law.
Out of the two accused, Meena was declared a proclaimed offender and the court said the evidence placed on record will be read against her. Another accused Mohd Saleem was earlier convicted by the court after he had confessed his guilt.
According to the prosecution, the police conducted a raid at a house in Laxmi Nagar and at a brothel in G B Road in April 2004 and two girls were rescued. The girls told the police that they were kidnapped by the accused persons after being given a sedatives-laced drink.

TMC नेता की पत्नी नकल करते पकड़ी गईं, तो कॉलेज की प्रिंसिपल और शिक्षक पिटे

देश के नेता समाज की सेवा के लिए हैं, लेकिन आए दिन उनकी दबंगई के किस्से सुनने में आ जाते हैं. ऐसा ही एक मामला पश्चिम बंगाल के दिनाजपुर जिले में इतहार के कॉलेज में सामने आया है. परीक्षा के दौरान तृणमूल कांग्रेस (टीएमसी) के एक नेता की पत्नी को नकल करते हुए पकड़ लिया गया तो पार्टी के कथित कार्यकर्ताओं ने कॉलेज की प्रिंसिपल और अन्य शिक्षकों के साथ मारपीट कर दी.
मेघनाद साहा कॉलेज की प्रिंसिपल स्वप्न मुखर्जी ने कहा कि निरीक्षकों ने बीए फर्स्ट ईयर की परीक्षा के दौरान एक महिला को नकल करते हुए पकड़ लिया. मुखर्जी ने महिला की अंसरशीट और नकल की पर्ची जब्त कर ली और कमरे से चली गईं.
जिस महिला को नकल करते हुए पकड़ा गया, वो तृणमूल कांग्रेस के नेता गौतम पाल की पत्नी हैं. सूत्रों ने बताया कि घटना के कुछ ही देर बाद बाहरी लोगों के एक समूह ने पहुंचकर महिला की कॉपी लौटाने के लिए दबाव बनाया. ये सभी तृणमूल के कार्यकर्ता थे.
प्रिंसिपल का आरोप है कि जब उनकी मांग नहीं मानी गई तो उन्होंने मुखर्जी और दो अन्य शिक्षकों पर हमला कर दिया. इनमें एक महिला टीचर थी शामिल थी. मुखर्जी ने कहा कि लिखित शिकायत तैयार करके जल्दी दाखिल की जाएगी.
घटना उस दिन घटी है जब मुख्यमंत्री ममता बनर्जी ने पार्टी की छात्र इकाई के सदस्यों से कानून अपने हाथ में नहीं लेने की नसीहत दी है.

Bill weathers‘anti-men’ cry

New Delhi, Aug. 26: The Rajya Sabha today passed amendments to the divorce law but not before several male members dubbed them anti-men and an assault on “human rights”.
The Marriage Laws (Amendment) Bill, passed by the Lok Sabha in the last session, promises women a larger share of their husband’s property during divorce. (See chart)
Trinamul Congress member Derek O’Brien led the charge, asking: “Why empower women at the expense of men?”
He argued the bill should be made gender-neutral, giving men the same rights as women. Replace the words “wife” and “husband” in the bill with “spouse”, O’Brien said.
Samajwadi Party member Arvind Kumar Singh claimed the bill could be misused like the anti-dowry law.
“If you read this bill, it seems that husbands alone are responsible for divorce. This law is being made to enslave men. One party should not get disproportionately high benefits while the other stands to lose all,” Singh said.
While many women MPs protested against this logic, Vandana Chavan of the Nationalist Congress Party stood on the men’s side.
“There are many women who may be earning the same as their husbands or sometimes even more. We have to fight not just for women’s rights but for human rights. Why make the current generation of men suffer?” Chavan said.
Many members wanted know how unemployed husbands fared in the bill.
“If the husband has no property, does he have a right over the (wife’s) property in case of a divorce?” asked Bahujan Samaj Party member Narender Kumar Kashyap.
Bharat Kumar Raut of the Shiv Sena said the bill would bring family pressure on women not to get a divorce. “Families will think that despite couples having differences, it would be better to stay together to avoid a division of the property,” Raut said.
DMK member Kanimozhi defended the bill stoutly.
“That women will misuse the bill and use it (to seek) revenge against their husbands and mothers-in-law seems to be the dominant thought here. When we have 50 per cent women in this House, we will talk about making such bills gender-neutral,” she said.
BJP members, however, ignored the issue as they pressed their long-standing demand for a uniform civil code. Party member Najma Heputallah accused the government of ignoring the plight of the country’s Muslim women.
Law minister Kapil Sibal said the bill was obviously pro-women and would send a clear message that Parliament was on the women’s side.
“Women’s rights have to be protected. We are in a patriarchal society. Around the world, while women constitute 50 per cent of the population, they own only 2 per cent of global assets,” Sibal said.
Addressing members’ concern about unemployed husbands, Sibal said men were entitled to alimony “under Section 25 of the Hindu Marriage Act”. The bill was cleared as presented by the government.
The Rajya Sabha later discussed the Mumbai gang rape, with junior home minister R.P.N. Singh making a statement. 

रेप के बढ़ते मामलों के लिए मैं जिम्‍मेदार नहीं: पूनम पांडे

अपने बोल्‍ड अंदाज और उससे भी बोल्‍ड टिप्‍पणियों के लिए मशहूर विवादास्‍पद एक्‍ट्रेस और मॉडल पूनम पांडे का कहना है कि रेप के बढ़ते मामलों के लिए मुझे दोषी न ठहराएं. हाल ही में फिल्‍म नशा में जमकर अंग प्रदर्शन करने वाली पूनम इस बात से हैरान और नाराज हैं कि महिलाओं के खिलाफ बढ़ते अपराधों के लिए कुछ लोग उन्‍हें दोषी ठहरा रहे हैं.
पूनम पांडे की तस्‍वीरें, जिन्‍होंने बटोरी सुर्खियां
दरअसल इन दिनों पूनम को हर तरफ से यही सुनने को मिल रहा है कि इंटरनेट और मैगजीनों में उनकी भड़काऊ तस्वीरें महिलाओं के लिए खतरनाक साबित हो रही हैं. पूनम ने कहा कि मुंबई में महिला फोटोजर्नलिस्‍ट के साथ गैंगरेप की घटना के बाद से ही उन्हें बार-बार और लगातार खुद को दोषी मानने पर मजबूर किया जा रहा है.
पूनम ने सवालिया अंदाज में कहा, ‘मेरी तस्वीरें महिलाओं के खिलाफ हो रहे अपराधों के लिए जिम्मेदार हैं, क्या सचमुच यही बात है. दिल्ली गैंगरेप के समय भी मुझ पर इस तरह के आरोप लगाए गए थे. मैं उन सभी लोगों से एक सवाल पूछना चाहती हूं, जो मुझे इन सब के लिए दोषी मान रहे हैं कि क्या मेरे चर्चा में आने से पहले महिलाओं के खिलाफ अपराध नहीं होते थे?’
पूनम पांडे का Hot 'गुड मॉर्निंग'...
पूनम का मानना है कि लोग अपनी कमजोरियां छिपाने के लिए हमेशा कोई बलि का बकरा ढूंढते हैं. उन्होंने कहा, ‘समाज में व्याप्त बुराईयों के लिए आप मुझे दोष क्यों दे रहे हैं. मैं केवल एक लड़की हूं, जो दुनिया में अपने लिए जगह तलाश रही है. जब कानून व्यवस्था नाकाम होती है तो वे लोग किसी और को दोषी बता देते हैं. लेकिन मुझे दोष क्यों दे रहे हैं? मैंने क्या किया है?’
तस्‍वीरों में पूनम पांडे की फिल्‍म 'नशा' के मदहोश करने वाले पोस्‍टर
पूनम पहली बार चर्चा में तब आई थीं जब 2011 में क्रिकेट वर्ल्‍डकप के दौरान उन्होंने ऐलान किया था कि भारतीय टीम ट्रॉफी जीतती है, तो भारत की जीत की खुशी में वह भारतीय खिलाड़ियों के न्‍यूड होंगी.