'शगुन में एक हजार दिया, इसलिए मॉडल ने की थी मंगेतर की हत्या'
शादी से दो दिन पहले मंगेतर को अपने ही घर में जिंदा जला कर मार डालने वाली
मॉडल से पूछताछ के बाद पुलिस ने सनसनीखेज खुलासा किया है। पुलिस के
मुताबिक, दोनों की मंगनी के बाद लड़के के परिजनों ने मॉडल को शगुन के तौर
पर सिर्फ एक हजार रुपया दिया था और यही उसकी हत्या का कारण बन गया।
जालंधर के शाहकोट इलाके के डीएसपी हरप्रीत सिंह बेनीपाल ने बताया कि
मंगेतर मनजिंदर सिंह की हत्या के आरोप में पकड़ी गई मॉडल कमलजीत कौर ने
पुलिस को पूछताछ में जो जानकारी दी वह चौंकाने वाली है।
बताया, 'मनजिंदर आर्थिक तौर पर कमलजीत से कमजोर था। मंगनी में शगुन के तौर
पर कमलजीत को एक हजार रुपया मिला था। इसके बाद दोनों में अनबन हो गई। लड़की
ने कहा कि उसने विवाह नहीं करने और मनजिंदर को छोड़ने का फैसला किया।
लेकिन मनजिंदर ने उसे ब्लैकमेल करना शुरू कर दिया। इसके बाद कमलजीत और उसके
परिजनों ने मिल कर मनजिंदर को जिंदा जला दिया था।
Monday, 3 June 2013
Cops ‘drive’ minor boy to suicideCops ‘drive’ minor boy to suicide
Cops ‘drive’ minor boy to suicideCops ‘drive’ minor boy to suicide
RCF police have finally registered an FIR in the case wherein a freelance photographer in Chembur committed suicide.
Prakash Patni (32), who hung himself at his residence on Monday, had allegedly scribbled a "suicide note" in pencil on the wall of his home, implying that his wife, her mother and aunt were responsible for his death. On Sunday, police registered a case against Patni's wife Dimple (28), her mother Jaishree Kundani and aunt Mohini Kundani.
Patni's brother Mohan (34) told Mumbai Mirror that police was reluctant to lodge a complaint citing lack of evidence. "My brother has clearly mentioned these three names. Then too police failed to register a complaint. On Saturday, I and my family were made to sit in the police station for hours. After much reluctance, they registered an FIR on Sunday at midnight, but told us that the accused will not be arrested till the court orders," he said.
"His mother-in-law used to visit their house almost everyday. She stays in Koparkhairne, but her husband runs a garage in Chembur. Often, my brother used to complain of harassment by the in-laws. My parents used to pay his rent and food bills," said Mohan.
"As per the complaint by Patni's father Jagdish, we have registered a case under IPC section 306 (34), abetment to suicide. Patni was also facing financial difficulties. It's not necessary that only domestic discord could lead to suicide. We didn't register a complaint due to lack of evidence," said a RCF police official, requesting anonymity.
"On Monday, Patni's wife Dimple returned home from Koparkhairne around 1 pm. When he failed to open the door, she lifted the curtain at one of the windows to find him hanging by the ceiling fan. Patni was staying on rent at Building No. 18 of Chembur Camp with his wife and son Piyush (7) for the last two years. He worked as a freelance photographer and videographer. On the wall in his house, he wrote, "Because of my wife and her mother Jaishree Kundani and Mohini Kundani, its over."
A few hours before he committed suicide, he had also written various status messages on his Facebook account, saying it was his last day. His mobile records show that at 2.30 am on Monday, he messaged his wife saying, "Dear I am sorry. You have done wrong. Please don't do this to anyone."
Prakash Patni (32), who hung himself at his residence on Monday, had allegedly scribbled a "suicide note" in pencil on the wall of his home, implying that his wife, her mother and aunt were responsible for his death. On Sunday, police registered a case against Patni's wife Dimple (28), her mother Jaishree Kundani and aunt Mohini Kundani.
Patni's brother Mohan (34) told Mumbai Mirror that police was reluctant to lodge a complaint citing lack of evidence. "My brother has clearly mentioned these three names. Then too police failed to register a complaint. On Saturday, I and my family were made to sit in the police station for hours. After much reluctance, they registered an FIR on Sunday at midnight, but told us that the accused will not be arrested till the court orders," he said.
"His mother-in-law used to visit their house almost everyday. She stays in Koparkhairne, but her husband runs a garage in Chembur. Often, my brother used to complain of harassment by the in-laws. My parents used to pay his rent and food bills," said Mohan.
"As per the complaint by Patni's father Jagdish, we have registered a case under IPC section 306 (34), abetment to suicide. Patni was also facing financial difficulties. It's not necessary that only domestic discord could lead to suicide. We didn't register a complaint due to lack of evidence," said a RCF police official, requesting anonymity.
"On Monday, Patni's wife Dimple returned home from Koparkhairne around 1 pm. When he failed to open the door, she lifted the curtain at one of the windows to find him hanging by the ceiling fan. Patni was staying on rent at Building No. 18 of Chembur Camp with his wife and son Piyush (7) for the last two years. He worked as a freelance photographer and videographer. On the wall in his house, he wrote, "Because of my wife and her mother Jaishree Kundani and Mohini Kundani, its over."
A few hours before he committed suicide, he had also written various status messages on his Facebook account, saying it was his last day. His mobile records show that at 2.30 am on Monday, he messaged his wife saying, "Dear I am sorry. You have done wrong. Please don't do this to anyone."
महिलाओं से पीड़ित पुरुषों ने मांगा अधिकार
महिलाओं से पीड़ित पुरुषों ने मांगा अधिकार
प्रताड़ित, अपमानित या घर से बेदखल करने की धमकियों से पीड़ित महिलाएं
अपनी नजदीकी महिला संगठनों से मदद प्राप्त कर सकती हैं. लेकिन इसी तरह की
प्रताड़ना से पीड़ित पुरुष आखिर क्या करें. महिलाओं अपनी गरिमा एवं गौरव
पर किए गए हमले का मुकाबला करने के लिए प्रताड़ित पुरुष अब एकजुट होकर अपने
लिए समान अधिकारों की मांग को लेकर आवाज बुलंद कर रहे हैं.
पुरुष अधिकार संघ (एमआरए) के अध्यक्ष अतीत राजपाड़ा ने कहा, ‘भारतीय न्यायपालिका घरेलू हिंसा अधीनियम (2005) के तहत प्रत्येक विवाहित महिला को पति के र्दुव्यवहार से सुरक्षा प्रदान करती है. लेकिन हर बार सिर्फ महिलाएं ही ऐसी प्रताड़ना की शिकार नहीं होती हैं. यह कानून ऐसी ही प्रताड़ना के शिकार पुरुषों की रक्षा करने में असफल है.’
राजपाड़ा ने कहा कि राष्ट्रीय अपराध रिकार्ड ब्यूरो (एनसीआरबी) के आंकड़े बताते हैं कि प्रत्येक आठ मिनट पर एक पुरुष वैवाहिक या आर्थिक दबाव की वजह से आत्महत्या कर लेता है. ऐसा इसलिए है, क्योंकि इस समाज में पुरुषों का पालन पोषण इस तरह से हुआ है जहां वे किसी से मदद नहीं मांग सकते, न शिकायत कर सकते हैं और न ही अपनी कमजोरी दिखा सकते हैं.
उन्होंने कहा कि उनके एनजीओ में नए घरेलू हिंसा कानून से पीड़ित पुरुषों के प्रतिदिन आठ से नौ फोन आते हैं.
राजपाड़ा ने ऐसे एक मामले का जिक्र करते हुए बताया कि दिल्ली के रहने वाले एक प्राथमिक शिक्षक सुनील (बदला हुआ नाम) को अपनी शादी के चार वर्ष बाद अपने ही स्कूल में पढ़ाने वाली एक शिक्षिका के साथ प्रेम हो गया और दोनों के बीच सहमति से शारीरिक संबंध भी रहा. वह शिक्षिका विवाहित थी और जब उसके पति को इस प्रेम प्रसंग का पता चला, तो वह इससे मुकर गई और सुनील पर बलात्कार करने का आरोप लगा दिया. इसके चलते उसे 218 दिनों तक जेल में रहना पड़ा. अब वह जमानत पर रिहा है और इस मामले में अदालती लड़ाई लड़ रहा है.
एमआरए के महासचिव स्वरूप सरकार कहते हैं, ‘हम बस इस तरह के मामलों की निष्पक्ष सुनवाई चाहते हैं, जिसमें सिर्फ पुरुषों को ही दोषी नहीं घोषित किया जाए. इसके साथ ही अगर कोई महिला भी इसमें दोषी पाई जाए तो उसे भी पुरुष के समान ही सजा दी जाए.’
पुरुष अधिकार संघ (एमआरए) के अध्यक्ष अतीत राजपाड़ा ने कहा, ‘भारतीय न्यायपालिका घरेलू हिंसा अधीनियम (2005) के तहत प्रत्येक विवाहित महिला को पति के र्दुव्यवहार से सुरक्षा प्रदान करती है. लेकिन हर बार सिर्फ महिलाएं ही ऐसी प्रताड़ना की शिकार नहीं होती हैं. यह कानून ऐसी ही प्रताड़ना के शिकार पुरुषों की रक्षा करने में असफल है.’
राजपाड़ा ने कहा कि राष्ट्रीय अपराध रिकार्ड ब्यूरो (एनसीआरबी) के आंकड़े बताते हैं कि प्रत्येक आठ मिनट पर एक पुरुष वैवाहिक या आर्थिक दबाव की वजह से आत्महत्या कर लेता है. ऐसा इसलिए है, क्योंकि इस समाज में पुरुषों का पालन पोषण इस तरह से हुआ है जहां वे किसी से मदद नहीं मांग सकते, न शिकायत कर सकते हैं और न ही अपनी कमजोरी दिखा सकते हैं.
उन्होंने कहा कि उनके एनजीओ में नए घरेलू हिंसा कानून से पीड़ित पुरुषों के प्रतिदिन आठ से नौ फोन आते हैं.
राजपाड़ा ने ऐसे एक मामले का जिक्र करते हुए बताया कि दिल्ली के रहने वाले एक प्राथमिक शिक्षक सुनील (बदला हुआ नाम) को अपनी शादी के चार वर्ष बाद अपने ही स्कूल में पढ़ाने वाली एक शिक्षिका के साथ प्रेम हो गया और दोनों के बीच सहमति से शारीरिक संबंध भी रहा. वह शिक्षिका विवाहित थी और जब उसके पति को इस प्रेम प्रसंग का पता चला, तो वह इससे मुकर गई और सुनील पर बलात्कार करने का आरोप लगा दिया. इसके चलते उसे 218 दिनों तक जेल में रहना पड़ा. अब वह जमानत पर रिहा है और इस मामले में अदालती लड़ाई लड़ रहा है.
एमआरए के महासचिव स्वरूप सरकार कहते हैं, ‘हम बस इस तरह के मामलों की निष्पक्ष सुनवाई चाहते हैं, जिसमें सिर्फ पुरुषों को ही दोषी नहीं घोषित किया जाए. इसके साथ ही अगर कोई महिला भी इसमें दोषी पाई जाए तो उसे भी पुरुष के समान ही सजा दी जाए.’
Aggrieved men put up a fight
Aggrieved men put up a fight
New Delhi:
Tormented? Abused? Humiliated and threatened to be evicted from the
house? Yes, you can always seek assistance from the nearest ‘friendly’
women’s organisation.
But what if you are not a woman? Aggrieved men are now finding strength in numbers by banding together to cope with assaults to their dignity and pride by women as well as to fight for equal rights to men.
“The court has shielded women from mistreatments from their husbands under the Domestic Violence Act, ensuring every married woman lives with dignity and pride. But it is not always women who face oppression at home and the Act fails to address men who undergo a similar torture,” says Atit Rajpara, President of Men’s Rights Association (MRA).
Acting as rescuer, this “non-funded, non-aided, registered NGO” for men was initiated by Mr Rajpara in 2011 and currently functions out of his hometown, Pune.
Mr Rajpara points out that according to the National Crime Records Bureau every eight minute, a married man commits suicide out of marital or financial pressure “because the society raises men in a way where they are not allowed to ask for help, neither complain, nor show their weaknesses.”
“All we want is proper trials that should be fairly conducted and not just approve husbands as guilty. Also, a woman must also get the same punishment as a male gets when proven guilty,” says Swarop Sarkar, general secretary of MRA.
But what if you are not a woman? Aggrieved men are now finding strength in numbers by banding together to cope with assaults to their dignity and pride by women as well as to fight for equal rights to men.
“The court has shielded women from mistreatments from their husbands under the Domestic Violence Act, ensuring every married woman lives with dignity and pride. But it is not always women who face oppression at home and the Act fails to address men who undergo a similar torture,” says Atit Rajpara, President of Men’s Rights Association (MRA).
Acting as rescuer, this “non-funded, non-aided, registered NGO” for men was initiated by Mr Rajpara in 2011 and currently functions out of his hometown, Pune.
Mr Rajpara points out that according to the National Crime Records Bureau every eight minute, a married man commits suicide out of marital or financial pressure “because the society raises men in a way where they are not allowed to ask for help, neither complain, nor show their weaknesses.”
“All we want is proper trials that should be fairly conducted and not just approve husbands as guilty. Also, a woman must also get the same punishment as a male gets when proven guilty,” says Swarop Sarkar, general secretary of MRA.
Maharashtra: Conviction rate dips in state as many witnesses turn hostile
Maharashtra: Conviction rate dips in state as many witnesses turn hostile
The Maharashtra police are faltering in their effort to combat crime. The conviction rate in the state fell from 25.14% in 2011 to 23.7% last year, underscoring the urgent need for sounder investigations and better coordination between public prosecutors and investigators.
Statistics collated by the directorate of public prosecution show that 3.43 lakh cases (under the Indian Penal Code, central and state laws) were "conducted" or concluded in 2012. Of these, 43,039 ended in convictions. By comparison, the year before, there were convictions in 48,130 cases of the 4.5 lakh that reached closure.
State home minister R R Patil conceded a dip in convictions in Maharashtra over the last few years. "The Democratic Front government in 2011 appointed a committee to study causes of the poor rate and recommend corrective measures. The home department adopted those measures."
Patil said the results of the department's steps will begin showing. "There has already been an improvement in numbers in the first four months of 2013," he said.
The home department claimed there was a marginal rise in conviction rate in 2012, compared to the previous year, but failed to provide figures.
A senior official said the conviction figures are mainly a result of witnesses turning hostile and lack of witnesses. The dearth of witnesses, he said, was the cause for 14.03% acquittals and witnesses turning hostile the reason for 25% exonerations . Director-general of police Sanjeev Dayal pegged the latter figure at 66%.
The worrying conviction rate becomes bothersome when zoomed in on.
State home department data shows convictions were gained in 9% of the Indian Penal Code cases in 2010; the next year, the tally slipped to 8.2%. In 2012, "the compounded conviction rate decreased to 7.8%," a Mantralaya official said.
Other states have better records than Maharashtra . In 2011, the National Crime Records Bureau said, while Maharashtra achieved convictions in 8.2% IPC cases, Uttar Pradesh scored convictions in 59.6% such cases, New Delhi in 58.1% and Haryana in 25.1%.
Taking note of the trend, Dayal had recently emphasised the need for better coordination between prosecutors and investigators. He ordered senior officers of assistant commiss ioner rank to investigate violent crimes so as to build watertight cases which prosecutors can take to their logical end. For serious crimes against women, he said probes must be supervised by deputy commissioners to ensure sound paperwork before filing of chargesheets.http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/mumbai/Maharashtra-Conviction-rate-dips-in-state-as-many-witnesses-turn-hostile/articleshow/20402809.cms?intenttarget=no
The Maharashtra police are faltering in their effort to combat crime. The conviction rate in the state fell from 25.14% in 2011 to 23.7% last year, underscoring the urgent need for sounder investigations and better coordination between public prosecutors and investigators.
Statistics collated by the directorate of public prosecution show that 3.43 lakh cases (under the Indian Penal Code, central and state laws) were "conducted" or concluded in 2012. Of these, 43,039 ended in convictions. By comparison, the year before, there were convictions in 48,130 cases of the 4.5 lakh that reached closure.
State home minister R R Patil conceded a dip in convictions in Maharashtra over the last few years. "The Democratic Front government in 2011 appointed a committee to study causes of the poor rate and recommend corrective measures. The home department adopted those measures."
Patil said the results of the department's steps will begin showing. "There has already been an improvement in numbers in the first four months of 2013," he said.
The home department claimed there was a marginal rise in conviction rate in 2012, compared to the previous year, but failed to provide figures.
A senior official said the conviction figures are mainly a result of witnesses turning hostile and lack of witnesses. The dearth of witnesses, he said, was the cause for 14.03% acquittals and witnesses turning hostile the reason for 25% exonerations . Director-general of police Sanjeev Dayal pegged the latter figure at 66%.
The worrying conviction rate becomes bothersome when zoomed in on.
State home department data shows convictions were gained in 9% of the Indian Penal Code cases in 2010; the next year, the tally slipped to 8.2%. In 2012, "the compounded conviction rate decreased to 7.8%," a Mantralaya official said.
Other states have better records than Maharashtra . In 2011, the National Crime Records Bureau said, while Maharashtra achieved convictions in 8.2% IPC cases, Uttar Pradesh scored convictions in 59.6% such cases, New Delhi in 58.1% and Haryana in 25.1%.
Taking note of the trend, Dayal had recently emphasised the need for better coordination between prosecutors and investigators. He ordered senior officers of assistant commiss ioner rank to investigate violent crimes so as to build watertight cases which prosecutors can take to their logical end. For serious crimes against women, he said probes must be supervised by deputy commissioners to ensure sound paperwork before filing of chargesheets.http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/mumbai/Maharashtra-Conviction-rate-dips-in-state-as-many-witnesses-turn-hostile/articleshow/20402809.cms?intenttarget=no
Harassed by female cop friend, man commits suicide
Harassed by female cop friend, man commits suicide
NASHIK: A 25-year-old youth, who was scheduled to get married today, allegedly committed suicide after a woman with whom he had friendship, pressurised him to either tie the knot with her or pay her Rs three lakh, police said on Sunday.
Deepak Savkar Barve, from Bortembhe village, ended his life yesterday by jumping before a speeding train near Shilapur.
A note was found on him which mentioned that woman police constable Manisha Kujure - posted at the Nashik rural police headquarters in Adgaon - with whom he had a friendship, threatened to break his impending marriage and demanded that either he should pay Rs three lakh or marry her, police said.
Based on a complaint by the deceased's father, police have registered an offence against seven persons, including the constable, aged around 24 years, and her family members, for allegedly harassing the youth and abetting his suicide. http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/nashik/Harassed-by-female-cop-friend-man-commits-suicide/articleshow/20393345.cms
NASHIK: A 25-year-old youth, who was scheduled to get married today, allegedly committed suicide after a woman with whom he had friendship, pressurised him to either tie the knot with her or pay her Rs three lakh, police said on Sunday.
Deepak Savkar Barve, from Bortembhe village, ended his life yesterday by jumping before a speeding train near Shilapur.
A note was found on him which mentioned that woman police constable Manisha Kujure - posted at the Nashik rural police headquarters in Adgaon - with whom he had a friendship, threatened to break his impending marriage and demanded that either he should pay Rs three lakh or marry her, police said.
Based on a complaint by the deceased's father, police have registered an offence against seven persons, including the constable, aged around 24 years, and her family members, for allegedly harassing the youth and abetting his suicide. http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/nashik/Harassed-by-female-cop-friend-man-commits-suicide/articleshow/20393345.cms
Rape accused freed, girl faces perjury
Rape accused freed, girl faces perjury
NEW DELHI: Implicating two youths in heinous crime like gangrape has boomeranged on a 20-year-old girl as a Delhi court not only allowed the accused to walk free but also ordered her prosecution for the offence of perjury.
The court, which said it cannot restore the "lost honour" of the accused, also noted, "It is very regrettable that a trend has set in now a days where the investigating officers dance to the tunes of the girl complaining of rape, completely throwing to winds their duties and responsibilities."
"This is a fit case where the prosecutrix (girl) deserves to be proceeded against for committing the offences punishable under section 193/196 (giving false evidence in a judicial proceeding) of the IPC," additional sessions judge Virender Bhat said.
The court ordered that copy of its judgment be sent to Delhi Police commissioner and others so that efforts can be taken to "sensitize" and "train" police officers to conduct probe in such cases with "an open mind without treating the statement of the girl as gospel truth".
Police had arrested Preetam Yadav and Manoj Kumar Yadav in November 2011 after the girl complained that they had raped her. During the trial, advocate Vikas Padora, appearing for Manoj, said that at the time and date of the alleged incident, the accused, along with his family, was at a hotel in Gurgaon celebrating his daughter's birthday. http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/delhi/Rape-accused-freed-girl-faces-perjury/articleshow/20402260.cms
NEW DELHI: Implicating two youths in heinous crime like gangrape has boomeranged on a 20-year-old girl as a Delhi court not only allowed the accused to walk free but also ordered her prosecution for the offence of perjury.
The court, which said it cannot restore the "lost honour" of the accused, also noted, "It is very regrettable that a trend has set in now a days where the investigating officers dance to the tunes of the girl complaining of rape, completely throwing to winds their duties and responsibilities."
"This is a fit case where the prosecutrix (girl) deserves to be proceeded against for committing the offences punishable under section 193/196 (giving false evidence in a judicial proceeding) of the IPC," additional sessions judge Virender Bhat said.
The court ordered that copy of its judgment be sent to Delhi Police commissioner and others so that efforts can be taken to "sensitize" and "train" police officers to conduct probe in such cases with "an open mind without treating the statement of the girl as gospel truth".
Police had arrested Preetam Yadav and Manoj Kumar Yadav in November 2011 after the girl complained that they had raped her. During the trial, advocate Vikas Padora, appearing for Manoj, said that at the time and date of the alleged incident, the accused, along with his family, was at a hotel in Gurgaon celebrating his daughter's birthday. http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/delhi/Rape-accused-freed-girl-faces-perjury/articleshow/20402260.cms
इंडियन ऑयल के असिस्टेंट मैनेजर ने लगाई फांसी
इंडियन ऑयल के असिस्टेंट मैनेजर ने लगाई फांसी
- पटना के मूल निवासी राहुल कुमार अलीगंज में किराए पर रहते थे
- परिवारीजनों के मुताबिक पत्नी से ठीक नहीं थे रिश्ते, रहता था तनाव
जागरण संवाददाता, लखनऊ : इंडियन ऑयल के असिस्टेंट मैनेजर (लॉ) राहुल कुमार सिंह (31) ने फांसी लगाकर जान दे दी। अलीगंज सेक्टर-सी में वह किराए के मकान में रहते थे। परिवारीजनों का कहना है कि राहुल की बीती फरवरी में शादी हुई थी और पत्नी से झगड़ा होने के कारण राहुल अकसर तनाव में रहता था। राहुल के सहकर्मी उसका स्वभाव काफी मिलनसार और हंसमुख बता रहे हैं।
एलआइजी बी-5 पटना निवासी ललित कुमार सिंह का बेटा राहुल इंडियन ऑयल में असिस्टेंट मैनेजर (लॉ) था। इंडियन ऑयल कारपोरेशन से सेवानिवृत्त मोहिबुल्ला अब्बासी के मकान में वह दिसंबर 2011 से किराए पर कमरा लेकर रह रहे थे। ललित कुमार शनिवार को लगातार राहुल को फोन मिला रहे थे, लेकिन फोन उठ नहीं रहा था। इस पर उन्होंने राहुल के मित्र मनोज कुमार गुप्ता को फोन किया और राहुल के बारे में जानकारी हासिल करने को कहा। मनोज रविवार सुबह छह बजे राहुल के घर पहुंचे और मोहिबुल्ला अब्बासी को सारी जानकारी दी। राहुल का कमरा देखा गया तो वह अंदर से बंद था। मनोज कुमार ने कमरे का दरवाजा तोड़ा तो राहुल का शव फांसी पर लटक रहा था। राहुल ने कमरे के अंदर पंखे में बेडशीट का फंदा बनाकर फांसी लगा ली थी। राहुल के चाचा सत्यवीर सिंह रांची में डीएसपी हैं। उन्होंने जानकारी दी है कि राहुल की शादी फरवरी में हुई थी। राहुल का उसकी पत्नी नेहा से काफी झगड़ा होता था, इस कारण वह तनाव में रहता था। इंडियन ऑयल कारपोरेशन के जीएम प्रवीण कुमार ने बताया कि राहुल बहुत ही मिलनसार और सीधा था। वह अपने सहकर्मियों के बीच में काफी लोकप्रिय था, इस घटना से सभी स्तब्ध हैं।
- पटना के मूल निवासी राहुल कुमार अलीगंज में किराए पर रहते थे
- परिवारीजनों के मुताबिक पत्नी से ठीक नहीं थे रिश्ते, रहता था तनाव
जागरण संवाददाता, लखनऊ : इंडियन ऑयल के असिस्टेंट मैनेजर (लॉ) राहुल कुमार सिंह (31) ने फांसी लगाकर जान दे दी। अलीगंज सेक्टर-सी में वह किराए के मकान में रहते थे। परिवारीजनों का कहना है कि राहुल की बीती फरवरी में शादी हुई थी और पत्नी से झगड़ा होने के कारण राहुल अकसर तनाव में रहता था। राहुल के सहकर्मी उसका स्वभाव काफी मिलनसार और हंसमुख बता रहे हैं।
एलआइजी बी-5 पटना निवासी ललित कुमार सिंह का बेटा राहुल इंडियन ऑयल में असिस्टेंट मैनेजर (लॉ) था। इंडियन ऑयल कारपोरेशन से सेवानिवृत्त मोहिबुल्ला अब्बासी के मकान में वह दिसंबर 2011 से किराए पर कमरा लेकर रह रहे थे। ललित कुमार शनिवार को लगातार राहुल को फोन मिला रहे थे, लेकिन फोन उठ नहीं रहा था। इस पर उन्होंने राहुल के मित्र मनोज कुमार गुप्ता को फोन किया और राहुल के बारे में जानकारी हासिल करने को कहा। मनोज रविवार सुबह छह बजे राहुल के घर पहुंचे और मोहिबुल्ला अब्बासी को सारी जानकारी दी। राहुल का कमरा देखा गया तो वह अंदर से बंद था। मनोज कुमार ने कमरे का दरवाजा तोड़ा तो राहुल का शव फांसी पर लटक रहा था। राहुल ने कमरे के अंदर पंखे में बेडशीट का फंदा बनाकर फांसी लगा ली थी। राहुल के चाचा सत्यवीर सिंह रांची में डीएसपी हैं। उन्होंने जानकारी दी है कि राहुल की शादी फरवरी में हुई थी। राहुल का उसकी पत्नी नेहा से काफी झगड़ा होता था, इस कारण वह तनाव में रहता था। इंडियन ऑयल कारपोरेशन के जीएम प्रवीण कुमार ने बताया कि राहुल बहुत ही मिलनसार और सीधा था। वह अपने सहकर्मियों के बीच में काफी लोकप्रिय था, इस घटना से सभी स्तब्ध हैं।
Men have rights too! Aggrieved men put up a fight
Men have rights too! Aggrieved men put up a fight
Tormented? Abused? Humiliated and threatened to be evicted from the house? Yes, you can always seek assistance from the nearest 'friendly' women's organisation. But what if you are not a woman?
Aggrieved men are now finding strength in numbers by banding together to cope with assaults to their dignity and pride by women as well as to fight for equal rights to men.
"The Indian court has shielded women from mistreatments from their husbands under the Domestic Violence Act (2005), ensuring every married woman lives with dignity and pride. But it is not always women who face oppression at home and the Act fails to address men who undergo a similar torture," says Atit Rajpara, President of Men's Rights Association (MRA).
Acting as rescuer, this "non-funded, non-aided, registered NGO" for men was initiated by Rajpara in the summer of 2011 and currently functions out of his hometown, Pune.
"My wife filed a fictitious litigation against me back in 2010 and booked me with section 498 which defines cruelty by husband or relatives of the husband. I decided that it was the high time that a NGO must come forward to help men like me," he says.
Rajpara points out that according to the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) every eight minute, a married man commits suicide out of marital or financial pressure "because the society raises men in a way where they are not allowed to ask for help, neither complain, nor show their weaknesses."
Anurag Goyal a divorcee earing a salary of Rs 50,000 says he has to give his wife a compensation of 20,000 for maintenance.
"I have always seen my wife shopping and going around. My wife is educationally qualified but she doesn't want to do a job. And here I struggle every day to make money," says Goyal.
Rajpara questions the absurdity of the law which takes away his right of speech if a sexual harassment case if filed against him "even if it is false". The NGO receives 8-9 calls per day from the men who have been on the receiving end due to the new Domestic Law Act.
Rajpara mentions one such case - Sunil (name changed), a primary teacher based in Delhi who after being married for four years had a secretive affair, which included consensual sex, for six months with a teacher who had joined his school.
The teacher eventually married, but when confronted by her husband, she denied the affair and termed it as rape. As a consequence Sunil had to spend 218 days in jail and is still fighting for the case on bail with assistance from Rajpara.
"All we want is proper trials that should be fairly conducted and not just approve husbands as guilty. Also, a woman must also get the same punishment as a male gets when proven guilty," says Swarop Sarkar, General Secretary, MRA.
Tormented? Abused? Humiliated and threatened to be evicted from the house? Yes, you can always seek assistance from the nearest 'friendly' women's organisation. But what if you are not a woman?
Aggrieved men are now finding strength in numbers by banding together to cope with assaults to their dignity and pride by women as well as to fight for equal rights to men.
"The Indian court has shielded women from mistreatments from their husbands under the Domestic Violence Act (2005), ensuring every married woman lives with dignity and pride. But it is not always women who face oppression at home and the Act fails to address men who undergo a similar torture," says Atit Rajpara, President of Men's Rights Association (MRA).
Acting as rescuer, this "non-funded, non-aided, registered NGO" for men was initiated by Rajpara in the summer of 2011 and currently functions out of his hometown, Pune.
"My wife filed a fictitious litigation against me back in 2010 and booked me with section 498 which defines cruelty by husband or relatives of the husband. I decided that it was the high time that a NGO must come forward to help men like me," he says.
Rajpara points out that according to the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) every eight minute, a married man commits suicide out of marital or financial pressure "because the society raises men in a way where they are not allowed to ask for help, neither complain, nor show their weaknesses."
Anurag Goyal a divorcee earing a salary of Rs 50,000 says he has to give his wife a compensation of 20,000 for maintenance.
"I have always seen my wife shopping and going around. My wife is educationally qualified but she doesn't want to do a job. And here I struggle every day to make money," says Goyal.
Rajpara questions the absurdity of the law which takes away his right of speech if a sexual harassment case if filed against him "even if it is false". The NGO receives 8-9 calls per day from the men who have been on the receiving end due to the new Domestic Law Act.
Rajpara mentions one such case - Sunil (name changed), a primary teacher based in Delhi who after being married for four years had a secretive affair, which included consensual sex, for six months with a teacher who had joined his school.
The teacher eventually married, but when confronted by her husband, she denied the affair and termed it as rape. As a consequence Sunil had to spend 218 days in jail and is still fighting for the case on bail with assistance from Rajpara.
"All we want is proper trials that should be fairly conducted and not just approve husbands as guilty. Also, a woman must also get the same punishment as a male gets when proven guilty," says Swarop Sarkar, General Secretary, MRA.
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